On December 31, 2024, a special lecture was held at Jinka University (JKU) as part of the disaster risk management leadership training course, targeting students of JKU. Associate Professor Fukubayashi (Univeristy of Miyazaki) delivered it to students taught by Dr. Argachew (Assistant professor of JKU). The lecture covered the background, […]
MNGD: workshop
The Workshop of MNGD Short-term training was held online on August 29, 2024. The event was first scheduled to be a hybrid of online and on-site meeting at Kyoto University’s Katsura Campus, but due to the impact of the typhoon, it was only held online. First, Dr Fitsum(AASTU) ,who is […]
The workshop will be held online on Friday, 21st June, 2024(16:30 to 19:20 JST, 10:30 to 13:20 EAT). Three Ethiopian students who have finished their doctoral studies at Kyoto University and one Ethiopian student who has finished his doctoral studies at Ehime University will present their research results online from […]
December 7, 2023, the participants of MNGD Short-term training gathered in a seminar room at Katsura Campus of Kyoto University for a workshop that summarized the training. Two of the presenters gave online presentations, one from Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University and the other from the University of […]
In August 2023, MNGD project members visited an area about 1 km south of the center of village B in South Omo zone, Ethiopia. The residents of village B must pass through this area to reach the health center. However, this area is covered with black cotton soil, which makes […]
In 2019, MNGD project members and residents of Village B worked together to repair the road in front of the primary school. Three years later, in November 2022, we repaired the deteriorated parts of this road with the resident.Video of this demonstration and an interview with Prof. Fukubayashi and Mr. […]
The 5th MNGD international student workshop was held online on 20th June 2023(16:00JST~/10:00 EAT~). First, Mr. Teshome Birhanu (PhD student of Kyoto University) presented his research results titled “Evaluating the performance of fine shredded paper and lime stabilized clay soil”. Then Mr. Kassahun Yemane(PhD student of Kyoto University) presented his research results titled “Human […]
The workshop will be held online on Tuesday, 20th June, 2023(16:00 to 18:10 JST, 10:00 to 12:10 EAT). Three PhD students from Kyoto University will present their research results. Presentation: ・Teshome Birhanu Kebede(Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan. /Chief Research Assistance in Geotech laboratory, […]
In November 2022, the Project worked with local people to repair deteriorations of the road surface at the site where small-scale road improvement was carried out in December 2019. In this project, the research team is searching for methods of participatory construction using new technologies that are currently being researched […]
In November 2022, the Project organized a low-volume roads improvement training workshop at Jinka University. Dr Fukubayashi from Miyazaki University provided a presentation, “Spot improvement of low-volume roads using Do-nou method.” South Omo Zonal Office and South Omo Ethiopian Road Administrations officials participated the workshop and learned how to improve […]
The 4th MNGD international student workshop was held online on 31st January 2023(16:00JST~/10:00 EAT~). First, Mr. Alemshet Bekele Tadesse(PhD student of University of Miyazaki) presented his research results titled “An experimental study on the coupled effect of diatomaceous earth and hydrated lime in expansive soil”. Then Mr. Teshome Birhanu Kebede(PhD student […]
December 13, 2022. Today was the last day of the short-term training program. As on the first day, the group gathered in the same seminar room at Kyoto University for a workshop in a hybrid format to summarize the training. The MNGD members from University of Miyazaki and Kyoto University […]