The 3rd MNGD international student workshop was held online on 28th October 2022(16:00JST~/10:00 EAT~). Three PhD students from Kyoto University presented their research results. After each of the PhD students presented the results of their experiments and fieldwork, participants actively asked questions and made comments in response. This is a very […]
MNGD: workshop
MNGD-AASTU international student workshop was held online on 28th June 2022(20:00 to 22:00 JST, 16:00 to 18:00 EAT). Three PhD students from Miyazaki University, Ehime University, and Kyoto University presented their research results. After the three presented their research, there was a discussion with AASTU’s red carpet hall and online audience.
The workshop will be held online on Wednesday, 29th June, 2022(20:00 to 22:00 JST, 16:00 to 18:00 EAT). This is also the AASTU Monthly Seminar (Center of Excellence in Construction Quality & Technology and College of Architecture & Civil Engineering). PhD students from Miyazaki University, Ehime University, and Kyoto University will […]
17:00-18:00, Sat. 12th March, 2022Start-up event of Innovative Africa Channel, Kyoto:(ONLLINE)“ROUND-TABLE TALK on Field Work in Ethiopia” Guest Speaker: Jan Abbink (Leiden University) Participants: Masayoshi Shigeta (Kyoto University), Shunsuke Matsukuma (Kyoto University), Eunji Choi (Kyoto University) Language: English Registration (Deadline: 28th Feb. 5th March)
16:00-18:00, Wed. 2nd March, 2022Lecture series on Lifelong Sciences: Lifelong Sciences & fieldwork IV(ONLLINE)“MNGD Public Lecture for Social Implementation” “Higher Education and Outreach Activities in Ethiopia” by Gebre Yntiso (Addis Ababa University) Facilitator: Shunsuke Matsukuma (Kyoto University) Discussant: Masayoshi Shigeta (Kyoto University) Language: English Application form (Deadline: 23. Feb.)
The workshop will be held online on Thursday, December 23, 2021(15:00 to 18:00 JST, 9:00 to 12:00 Ethiopian time). PhD students from Miyazaki University, Ehime University, and Kyoto University will present their research results. MNGD International Student Workshop Date: 23rd December 2021Time: 15:00-18:00 (Japan Time) / [09:00-12:00 (Ethiopia Time)]Venue: Zoom […]
On February 7, 2021, five research projects led by Kyoto University jointly held an online international workshop. Members of the MNGD project also participated in the poster presentation session. We shared the posters using a system called “LINC Biz” and gave oral presentations, after which the viewers wrote comments on […]
International workshop-Poster session: The role of on-site research for innovation & STEM education The following five issues, which are related to the role of on-site research for innovation and STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics] education, are going to be discussed among presenters and participants in the related research projects. The […]