The SATREPS-MNGD Project International Symposium was held on November 24th and 25th, 2024, at Sapphire Addis Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. On November 24th, the 6th JCC (Joint Coordination Committee) meeting was held to review the status of the final phase of the project. Mr. Kensuke Oshima, Chief Representative of […]
MNGD: workshop
The SATREPS-MNGD project will hold an international symposium on 24 and 25 November 2024 at the Sapphire Hotel in Addis Ababa.If you wish to participate, please register below to the following till date.You can also attend the lecture online. Please register for both using the application form below. 【Program】DAY 1.:Sun, […]
A research meeting was held at University of Miyazaki on May 27th. Prof. Kimura, the leader of each component, major researchers, and Prof. Asaeda, who is the research supervisor of our project, and Mr. Furukawa from JST. In the morning, activity reports on each subject were presented, and the participants […]
A research meeting was held at Kyoto University on November 13th. Prof. Kimura, the leader of each component, major researchers, and Researcher Mr. Matsukuma, who is currently in Ethiopia, and others also participated online. In the first half of the session, Mr. Getahun Mekonnen and Mr. Negash Abido, staff members […]
In 2019, MNGD project members and residents of Village B worked together to repair the road in front of the primary school. Three years later, in November 2022, we repaired the deteriorated parts of this road with the resident.Video of this demonstration and an interview with Prof. Fukubayashi and Mr. […]
The workshop will be held online on Tuesday, 20th June, 2023(16:00 to 18:10 JST, 10:00 to 12:10 EAT). Three PhD students from Kyoto University will present their research results. Presentation: ・Teshome Birhanu Kebede(Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan. /Chief Research Assistance in Geotech laboratory, […]
In November 2022, the Project organized a low-volume roads improvement training workshop at Jinka University. Dr Fukubayashi from Miyazaki University provided a presentation, “Spot improvement of low-volume roads using Do-nou method.” South Omo Zonal Office and South Omo Ethiopian Road Administrations officials participated the workshop and learned how to improve […]
The workshop will be held online on Tuesday, 31st January, 2023(16:00 to 18:10 JST, 10:00 to 12:10 EAT). Three PhD students from University of Miyazaki, Ehime University and Kyoto University will present their research results. Presantation: ・Alemshet Bekele Tadesse (Ph.D. Candidate, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering, University of Miyazaki, […]
December 13, 2022. Today was the last day of the short-term training program. As on the first day, the group gathered in the same seminar room at Kyoto University for a workshop in a hybrid format to summarize the training. The MNGD members from University of Miyazaki and Kyoto University […]
Kassahun Yemane, a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University (ASAFAS), from Ethiopia, will host a seminar with Dr. Mamo Hebo of Addis Ababa University as a guest commentator. MNGD Research Seminar/The 3rd Lifelong Sciences Research Seminar Date and Time:16 September 2022, 14:00~16:30 […]
MNGD-AASTU international student workshop was held online on 28th June 2022(20:00 to 22:00 JST, 16:00 to 18:00 EAT). Three PhD students from Miyazaki University, Ehime University, and Kyoto University presented their research results. After the three presented their research, there was a discussion with AASTU’s red carpet hall and online audience.
The workshop will be held online on Wednesday, 29th June, 2022(20:00 to 22:00 JST, 16:00 to 18:00 EAT). This is also the AASTU Monthly Seminar (Center of Excellence in Construction Quality & Technology and College of Architecture & Civil Engineering). PhD students from Miyazaki University, Ehime University, and Kyoto University will […]