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【概要】The following five issues, which are related to the role of on-site research for innovation and STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics] education, are going to be discussed among presenters and participants in the related research projects. The issues are; 1. Medical-Local Knowledge, 2. Lifelong Sciences and anthropological studies, 3. Community-based solid waste management, 4. Road disaster reduction and community-road maintenance. 5. Livelihood and alien crops in Africa.
【主催】Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, Lifelong sciences: Reconceptualization of development and aging in the super aging society [No.20H05806]; SATREPS-MNGD project [JPMJSA1807];Medical-Local Knowledge Research Network Using ICTs for Identifying Effective Health Practices in Africa[SPIRITS]; JSPS Scientific Research Fund-B on Reconsidering the Concept of Waste and Formation of Materiality in Africa [No.18H03444]; Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University.
14:00-14:10 Opening remarks: Masayoshi Shigeta, Kyoto University
14:10-14:55 Online poster session
Presenter) Addisu Meseret, Addis Ababa University / Alemshet Bekele, University of Miyazaki / Ayako Ogasawara, Hiroshima University / Argachew Bochena, Jinka University / Chika Yamada, Kyoto University / Frehaileab Admasu, Ehime University / Hana Shimoyama, Kyoto University / Haregewion Bekele, Kyoto University / M. Kimura, Y. Fukubayashi, M. Shigeta, et al., Kyoto University and University of Miyazaki / Makoto Kurata, Tokyo Medical University / Kassahun Yamane, Jinka University / Keiko Nakano, Kio University / Morie Kaneko, Kyoto University / Noriko Suzuki, Kyoto University / Sisay Leul, Addis Ababa University
Commentators) Getaneh Mehari, Department of Social Anthropology, Addis Ababa University / Mamo Hebo Wabe, Department of Social Anthropology, Addis Ababa University / Aynalem Megersa, Center for Gender Studies, Addis Ababa University
14:55-15:00 Closing remarks: Morie Kaneko, Kyoto University
15:00-17:15 International Workshop on “Medical-ZAIRAICHI, a Medical knowledge Research Network”
17:15-17:35 Short presentation of the poster session in the international workshop on “Medical-ZAIRAICHI, a Medical-Local Knowledge Research Network”
15:00-17:00 Business session I ”The role of on-site research for innovation and Community-based development”
Discussant from abroad) Getaneh Mehari, Department of Social Anthropology, Addis Ababa University / Mamo Hebo Wabe, Department of Social Anthropology, Addis Ababa University / Aynalem Megersa, Center for Gender Studies, Addis Ababa University
15:00-17:00 Business session II ”The on-site research & STEM education”
Discussant from abroad) Getaneh Mehari, Department of Social Anthropology, Addis Ababa University / Mamo Hebo Wabe, Department of Social Anthropology, Addis Ababa University / Aynalem Megersa, Center for Gender Studies, Addis Ababa University