The 3rd JCC of the Project for Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil will be held online. SCHEDULE: October 4th, 2021 15:00-17:00(JST) 09:00–15:00(EAT) ■ JCC Part 1: Overall Discussion 15:00-17:00(JST)、9:00-11:00(EAT) ■ JCC Part2: Research Activities Progress 18:00-21:00(JST)、12:00-15:00(EAT) ・Progress Report and Action Plan of […]
MNGD: news
SATREPS/MNGD project has been accepting international students from Ethiopia again this year. This time, one lecturer from Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU) and two lectures from Jinka University who have been contributing to the SATREPS/MNGD project activities in Ethiopia, came to Japan. In April, Mr.Teshome Birhanu transferred to Graduate […]
”ZAIRAICHI 3: MNGD Special issue 02-Making Networks for Glocal Development”was published. —The Contents— ON LAUNCHING ZAIRAICHI ・Matsukuma, S, Sati S and Fukubayashi, Y. 2021. Demonstration of Road Improvement by Local Inhabitants at the Baytsemal Village”. “ZAIRAICHI 3, MNGD Special issue 02-Making Networks for Glocal Development”. 1-23. ・Kaneko, M. 2021. Notes on […]
Mr. Frehaileab(Ehime University) reports on the progress of his current experiment, for Component Two. *You can find the article archived here.″
Back to Addiss Ababa After the absence of Japanese researchers in Ethiopia for a year, one of them has been back to Addis Ababa. His first task was the maintenance of vehicles which is key to activities.Land cruiser roared powerfully in front of him and his colleagues and boosted morale […]
On February 7, 2021, five research projects led by Kyoto University jointly held an online international workshop. Members of the MNGD project also participated in the poster presentation session. We shared the posters using a system called “LINC Biz” and gave oral presentations, after which the viewers wrote comments on […]
SATREPS/MNGD project has been accepting international students from Ethiopia. This year, two lecturers from Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU), who have been contributing to the SATREPS/MNGD project activities in Ethiopia, came to Japan. In October, Mr. Alemshet Bekele transferred to the Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki. And […]
International workshop-Poster session: The role of on-site research for innovation & STEM education The following five issues, which are related to the role of on-site research for innovation and STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics] education, are going to be discussed among presenters and participants in the related research projects. The […]
The project members observed several types of sisal plants during field work around Jinka town in southern Ethiopia. Local people there make use of those sisal plants for ropes or building materials. Sometimes they use its liquid from leaves as medicine. The project seeks for a new road maintenance model […]
The project members visited an ensete farm two hours drive away from Addis Ababa. The ensete, often called the false banana, looks like banana trees and is a unique plant that only exists in Ethiopia. Local people make use of it for a variety of ways like for food or […]
【Field report 017】 A hundred of cows which the project members encountered on the way to Jinka, South Omo Zone. There are several ethnic groups of pastoralists who keep cattle, sheep or goats. They do grazing every day and, occasionally, use traffic roads. When a road is packed with cattle […]
【Field report 016】 Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, all the Ethiopian universities have been closed and their functions have been shut down. The state of emergency by the government of Ethiopia was declared in April 2020 and continued until September 8th, 2020. The universities restarted their function little by […]