Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
”Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil”

Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
”Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil”

“Field report 018” has been posted.

August 28th, Jinka, South Omo, photo by Miyazaki

The project members visited an ensete farm two hours drive away from Addis Ababa. The ensete, often called the false banana, looks like banana trees and is a unique plant that only exists in Ethiopia. Local people make use of it for a variety of ways like for food or for material of rope. It contains a full of cellulose and seems to have a possibility of transforming into soil improvement additives.

*You can find the article archived here.