The SATREPS-MNGD project will hold an international symposium on 24 and 25 November 2024 at the Sapphire Hotel in Addis Ababa.
If you wish to participate, please register below to the following till date.
You can also attend the lecture online. Please register for both using the application form below.
DAY 1.:Sun, 24 November 2024
13:00~ Registration
14:00~ Poster and material exhibition
15:00~ Cocktail reception
16:00~17:00 Core time with oral introduction to the poster presentations
17:00~18:30 Keynote Lectures:
-Dr. Worku Asratie (ERA)
-Prof. Yuji TSUTSUMI (Kyushu University)
DAY 2.:Mon, 25 November 2024
9:30~ 9:40 Welcome address: Prof. Makoto KIMURA (KU: Kyoto University)
9:40~ 10:30 Keynote Lecture: Prof. Kenichi SATO (Fukuoka University)
10:30~10:45 Break
10:45~12:15 Session 1: Geotechnical Engineering Research
- Mr. Kentaro FUKUDA (Nippon Koei Co., Ltd, Japan)
- Prof. Philips Paige Green (ERA: Ethiopia Roads Administration)
- Dr. Yoshinori FUKUBAYASHI (UM: University of Miyazaki)
- Dr. Teshome Birhanu (AASTU: Addis Ababa Science and Technology University)
12:15~13:30 Break
13:30 – 15:00 Session 2: Applied Agricultural Research
- Prof. Hideaki YASUHARA(KU)
- Dr. Siraj Mulugeta (AASTU)
- Dr. Fitsum Tesfaye (AASTU)
- Mr. Tesfaye W. Michael (the Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure)
15:00 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 17:00 Session 3: Social Implementations
- Dr. Morie KANEKO (KU), Dr. Yoshinori FUKUBAYASHI (UM), Mr. Shunsuke MATSUKUMA (KU), and Prof. Masayoshi SHIGETA (KU)
- Mr. Chekole Moges Habtu (ILO, Ethiopia)
- Dr. Kassahun Yemane (Jinka University)
17:00 – 17:30 Closing address, Award giving: Dr. Fitsum Tesfaye (AASTU)
・Up to the first 50 person
・Deadline: at noon on 23rd November 2024