A research meeting was held at University of Miyazaki on May 27th. Prof. Kimura, the leader of each component, major researchers, and Prof. Asaeda, who is the research supervisor of our project, and Mr. Furukawa from JST. In the morning, activity reports on each subject were presented, and the participants confirmed that they have realized their research activities through various means despite the pandemic, and discussed how they would organize their research in the future.

In the afternoon, the group went to an experimental site on the campus of the University of Miyazaki to observe a full-scale driving experiment using pseudo black cotton soil created by Prof. Yasuhara at Ehime University. The group saw the ruts formed by a car driving on the clay soil and checked the soil moisture meter and inclinometer installed in the field.

After that, they returned to the room and connected with Mr. Matsukuma, a researcher in Ethiopia, to confirm their future activity plans. We reviewed each of our tasks to cover as much as possible during the limited activity period of about 10 months remaining and to achieve the best research results.