The 6th MNGD international student workshop was held online on 21st June 2024(16:30JST~/10:30 EAT~). First, Mr. Alemshet Bekele Tadesse (Lecturer, AASTU), who returned to Ethiopia last September after graduating from the doctoral program of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Miyazaki, presented his research results titled ”Soil Water […]
Monthly Archives: June 2024
This is the latter half of a discussion between Dr. Fitsum Tesfaye Berhe(AASTU), Dr. Eleyas Assefa(AASTU), who were in Kyoto for a MNGD Short-term Training Program in FY2023 and Prof. Yasuhara(KU), Dr. Sawamura(KU).*AASTU=Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, KU=Kyoto University, ERA=Ethiopia Roads Administration Discussion regarding Component 1 & 2 (Part2) YASUHARA × SAWAMURA × […]
This is a discussion regarding Component 1 & 2 between Dr. Fitsum Tesfaye Berhe(AASTU), Dr. Eleyas Assefa(AASTU), who were in Kyoto for a MNGD Short-term Training Program in FY2023 and Prof. Yasuhara(KU), Dr. Sawamura(KU). The moderator is Prof. Shigeta, the member of MNGD project. This installment is the first of […]
This is a discussion between Dr. Yoshinori Fukubayashi (University of Miyazaki) and Dr. Worku Asratie Wubet, Director of Road Research Center, Ethiopia Roads Administration. The moderator is Prof. Masayoshi Shigeta (Kyoto University).This installment is the third of three. Discussion on road construction in the project model site (Part 3) WORKU×FUKUBAYASHI [Moderator: SHIGETA] After the URRAP […]
The workshop will be held online on Friday, 21st June, 2024(16:30 to 19:20 JST, 10:30 to 13:20 EAT). Three Ethiopian students who have finished their doctoral studies at Kyoto University and one Ethiopian student who has finished his doctoral studies at Ehime University will present their research results online from […]
This is a discussion between Dr. Yoshinori Fukubayashi (University of Miyazaki) and Dr. Worku Asratie Wubet, Director of Road Research Center, Ethiopia Roads Administration. The moderator is Prof. Masayoshi Shigeta (Kyoto University).This installment is the second of three. Discussion on road construction in the project model site (Part 2) WORKU×FUKUBAYASHI [Moderator: SHIGETA] “The Real Meaning […]
This is a discussion between Dr. Yoshinori Fukubayashi (University of Miyazaki) and Dr. Worku Asratie Wubet, Director of Road Research Center, Ethiopia Roads Administration, who was in Kyoto for a MNGD Short-term Training Program in FY2023. The moderator is Prof. Masayoshi Shigeta (Kyoto University).This installment is the first of three. […]
Messages were sent from Prof. Kimura, the Project leader of the MNGD project, which is in its final year, and Dr. Fitsum, the leader of the Ethiopian side. The video is posted on the Message from principal investigator page.A short version of Dr. Fitsum’s video is also available. →MNGD Project […]
A research meeting was held at University of Miyazaki on May 27th. Prof. Kimura, the leader of each component, major researchers, and Prof. Asaeda, who is the research supervisor of our project, and Mr. Furukawa from JST. In the morning, activity reports on each subject were presented, and the participants […]