Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
”Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil”

Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
”Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil”

Visit to the University of Miyazaki(November, 2019)

On-site trainings for instruments used in measuring weather data, portable cone penetration testing, and California bearing ratio (CBR) testing at the University of Miyazaki were attended by three Jinka University lecturers, Mr. Argachew Bochena Elisi, Mr. Kassahun Yemane Birhanu, and Mr. MelakuMathewos Melketo. They also visited the Osugi Shiitake mushroom farm and the Kibana Agricultural Science Station, University of Miyazaki, and learned the agricultural research environment in Japan.

November 18 (9:30am) Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki
Briefing on the planned experiments at Jinka University and on-site trainings.
18th (10:30am) Vehicular driving model test yard, University of Miyazaki. Demonstration of the portable cone penetration testing.










Demonstration of the CBR testing.
18th (Afternoon) Osugi Shiitake Farm visit









November 19 (9:30am-) Demonstration on weather station assembling
19th (11:30am-) Kibana Agricultural Science Station visit









19th (Afternoon) Data extraction training.