The short-term training programs of the MNGD project has started. This year, a total of nine participants of different duration and time periods will take part in the program.
The first group of participants, two from Addis Ababa Science and Technology University(AASTU), one from Jinka University (JKU), and three from Ethiopian Roads Administration (ERA) arrived in Kyoto on October the 16th. Two lecturers from AASTU will spend for 2 months to conduct experiments related to MNGD project under the supervision of professors of the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University. Two from ERA will also stay there for a month and participate in these experiments. One from JKU stay for two months at The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University to learn about research methods. The other from ERA will stay for two weeks to observe the experiments, visit construction sites, and discuss MNGD project activities with project members.
A second group of three members from AASTU will visit Japan in November.