With the support of JICA, the SATREPS-MNGD project has now handed over two mobile laboratories(mobile laboratory vehicles), one each to Addis Ababa Science and Technology University and Jinka University. On March 28, 2023, Professor Shigeta (Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University) attended the handover ceremony at Jinka University, on […]
Yearly Archives: 2023
A series of videos of each leader talking about their progress at Ehime University on February 3, 2023. Lastly, the message from the leader of component 3, Prof. Kaneko (Kyoto University). Playlist of the interviews 2023
A series of videos of each leader talking about their progress at Ehime University on February 3, 2023. Today, the message from the leader of component 2, Prof. Yasuhara (Ehime University). Playlist of the interviews 2023
We are uploading a series of videos of each leader talking about their progress at Ehime University on February 3, 2023. Today, the message from the leader of component 1, Prof. Fukubayashi (University of Miyazaki). Playlist of the interviews 2023
We will upload a series of videos of each leader talking about their progress at Ehime University on February 3, 2023. First, the message from the project leader, Prof. Kimura (Kyoto University). Playlist of the interviews 2023
In November 2022, Dr. Kamei, University of Miyazaki, conducted an experiment to grind coffee parchment with a large grinder at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University. →MNGD Project YouTube Channel
A two-day research meeting was held at Ehime University on February 3rd and 4th, the first face-to-face meeting for the MNGD project in a quite a while, bringing together the principal investigator of this project, Prof. Kimura, the leader of each component, and major researchers. The progress of each component […]
In November 2022, the Project worked with local people to repair deteriorations of the road surface at the site where small-scale road improvement was carried out in December 2019. In this project, the research team is searching for methods of participatory construction using new technologies that are currently being researched […]
In November 2022, the Project organized a low-volume roads improvement training workshop at Jinka University. Dr Fukubayashi from Miyazaki University provided a presentation, “Spot improvement of low-volume roads using Do-nou method.” South Omo Zonal Office and South Omo Ethiopian Road Administrations officials participated the workshop and learned how to improve […]
The 4th MNGD international student workshop was held online on 31st January 2023(16:00JST~/10:00 EAT~). First, Mr. Alemshet Bekele Tadesse(PhD student of University of Miyazaki) presented his research results titled “An experimental study on the coupled effect of diatomaceous earth and hydrated lime in expansive soil”. Then Mr. Teshome Birhanu Kebede(PhD student […]
The workshop will be held online on Tuesday, 31st January, 2023(16:00 to 18:10 JST, 10:00 to 12:10 EAT). Three PhD students from University of Miyazaki, Ehime University and Kyoto University will present their research results. Presantation: ・Alemshet Bekele Tadesse (Ph.D. Candidate, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering, University of Miyazaki, […]
A new video summarizing the 2022 short-term training program is on YouTube. You can also watch the interview video here. →MNGD Project YouTube Channel