Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
”Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil”

Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
”Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil”

“Field report 039” has been posted.

24th May, 2022, Adama Science and Technology University, photo by Hagiwara

Visit to Adama Science and Technology University Part 1

Researcher Matsukuma, Mr. Wendimu, and I visited the Adama Science and Technology University to request X-ray Diffraction(XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM) for compositional analysis. This university is located in Adama, the capital city of Oromia State, approximately 100 km southeast of Addis Aababa. We were welcomed by the magnificent main entrance gate. The campus is full of green, and it is even difficult to find our destination. It is a pity that we cannot bring you the songs of birds in campus.


*You can find the article archived here.