The Project implemented a demonstration of road maintenance by residents of B village in South Omo zone for two weeks from November 25, 2019. In the Project, Component 3 is to establish an operation model of construction measure for road maintenance and this activity is the first trial. The purpose of this trial is to understand the local situation, especially road disaster, to drive residents organize community work in cooperation with administrators, universities and other communities. The location of the demonstration site was determined based on information of aerial photographs, interviews of residents, and consultation with the county mayor and Dr. Gebre, President of Jinka University – for instance, on October 17, 2009, prior to the demonstration, the informational meeting to the residents was organized by Dr. Kaneko, Associate Professor of Kyoto University and others. Nearly 100 residents participated in the village meeting. At this meeting, we explained that this project introduces a new technology for road repair. In the meeting, it was decided to implement the road repair work at the demonstration site in order to get to know a new technology to the residents. We have been agreed to do this work on the day of their joint labor, which they regularly carry out in this village.
[Preparation for the construction]
1)Understanding of problems about roads
Dr. Fukubayashi (Associate Professor, the University of Miyazaki) and a graduate student, Mr. Sato, conducted the preparatory survey on road conditions. The demonstration site was a 125m road in front of a primary school in village B. There were deep gullies (soil erosions) on the road surface due to the lack of a drainage around the road and the school.
2)Site surveying
After they explained the overview of activities to village headman and others, they surveyed the longitudinal incline and the cross-sectional shape of the road at the demo site.
3)Drawing a plan and collecting materials
Drawing a plan based on the survey, they calculated the amount of materials for construction, such as soil by cutting and for filling, gravels and other items. They selected gravels for paving at a quarry near from the site.
4)Observing the activities of local community work
They observed a community work held at village B before the demonstration. The community tried to rehabilitate gutters on the main road.
The demonstration was conducted for two hours from 7:00 a.m. on a day when they didn’t have community works. We didn’t work on Saturdays when markets were open and on Sundays
1)Excavation of gutters
Over 150 people gathered from the village and worked together.
2)Leveling the road surface
They packed the soil from the excavation of gutters into Do-nou bags and laid in deep gullies.
3)Shaping gutters
4)Leveling with the gravel
They brought gravels by trucks and laid them out to level the surface.