Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
”Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil”

Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
”Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil”

KAMEI, Ichiro

Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Miyazaki. PhD.

Specialized field



Wood Chemistry / Applied Microbiology / Biomass / Molecular biology / Environmental Chemistry


November 2022

List of visits to Ethiopia by MNGD project

2019.9.21~10.1:Addis Ababa
2022.9.25~10.2:Addis Ababa
2022.11.16~11.27:Addis Ababa, Jinka
2023.3.22~4.2:Addis Ababa
2023.9.23~10.3:Addis Ababa, Jinka
2024.3.21~3.31:Addis Ababa

Research outreach at the MNGD project

【International conference/ Study meeting】
・Public Lecture for Geotechnical Engineering. March 29, 2024 at Red Carpet Hall at Addis Ababa Science and Technology University.