Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
”Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil”

Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)
”Development and Operation Model of Plant-derived Soil Additives for Road Disaster Reduction on Problematic Soil”


Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Miyazaki. PhD.

Specialized field

Civil Engineering / International Development


Geotechnical Engineering / Road Engineering / International Technical Cooperation / Road Bed/ Subgrade / Base course / Surfacing / Geotextile / Rural Infrastructure Development / SDGs


Feb. 2023
Nov. 2022
Public Lecture 2021

List of visits to Ethiopia by MNGD project

2019.9.17~10.7:Addis Ababa
2019.11.20~12.2:Addis Ababa, Jinka
2022.8.25~9.7:Addis Ababa
2022.11.17~11.27:Addis Ababa, Jinka
2023.3.25~4.5:Addis Ababa, Jinka
2023.9.28~10.9:Addis Ababa, Jinka
2024.3.23~4.3: Jinka

Research outreach at the MNGD project

Discussion 1: WORKU×FUKUBAYASHI (1/3)
Discussion 1: WORKU×FUKUBAYASHI (2/3)
Discussion 1: WORKU×FUKUBAYASHI (3/3)

・Matsukuma, S, Sati S and Fukubayashi, Y. 2021. Demonstration of Road Improvement by Local Inhabitants at the Baytsemal Village”. “ZAIRAICHI 3, MNGD Special issue 02-Making Networks for Glocal Development”. 1-23.

・Matsukuma, S, Fukubayashi, Y and Sawamura, Y. 2020.Project Overview: Improving Year-round Accessibility by Localizing Technology. “ZAIRAICHI 2, MNGD Special issue 01-Making Networks for Glocal Development”. 7-11.

【International conference/ Study meeting】
・2019年度 京都大学アフリカ地域研究資料センター公開講座「工学研究者、アフリカへ行く!」–第3回(2021年12月18日)福林 良典「アフリカで住民と道普請する」

・Morie KANEKO, Yoshinori FUKUBAYASHI, Shunsuke MATSUKUMA, Sohei SATO, Argachew Bochena, Kassahun Yemane, Takuya HAGIWARA, Aino IKEDA, Yuusuke MIYAZAKI, Gebre Yntiso, Masayoshi SHIGETA and Makoto KIMURA. 2022. Community-based road improvement and maintenance as social implementation in Ethiopia: SATREPS-MNGD (Making Networks for Glocal Development) [2]21st International Conference of Ethiopian Studies (ICES21), Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa. September 29, 2022.