13:00~ Registration
14:00~ Poster and material exhibition
15:00~ Cocktail reception
16:00~17:00 Core time with oral introduction to the poster presentations
17:00~18:30 Keynote Lectures:
-Dr. Worku Asratie (ERA)
-Prof. Yuji TSUTSUMI (Kyushu University)
9:30~ 9:40 Welcome address: Prof. Makoto KIMURA (KU: Kyoto University)
9:40~ 10:30 Keynote Lecture: Prof. Kenichi SATO (Fukuoka University)
10:30~10:45 Break
10:45~12:15 Session 1: Geotechnical Engineering Research
- Mr. Kentaro FUKUDA (Nippon Koei Co., Ltd, Japan)
- Prof. Philips Paige Green (ERA: Ethiopia Roads Administration)
- Dr. Yoshinori FUKUBAYASHI (UM: University of Miyazaki)
- Dr. Teshome Birhanu (AASTU: Addis Ababa Science and Technology University)
12:15~13:30 Break
13:30 – 15:00 Session 2: Applied Agricultural Research
- Prof. Hideaki YASUHARA(KU)
- Dr. Siraj Mulugeta (AASTU)
- Dr. Fitsum Tesfaye (AASTU)
- Mr. Tesfaye W. Michael (the Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure)
15:00 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 17:00 Session 3: Social Implementations
- Dr. Morie KANEKO (KU), Dr. Yoshinori FUKUBAYASHI (UM), Mr. Shunsuke MATSUKUMA (KU), and Prof. Masayoshi SHIGETA (KU)
- Mr. Chekole Moges Habtu (ILO, Ethiopia)
- Dr. Kassahun Yemane (Jinka University)
17:00 – 17:30 Closing address, Award giving: Dr. Fitsum Tesfaye (AASTU)